Friends of ERA (1)

A positive trend

The Association was honoured to welcome four new institutional members in 2023: the Slovenian Judicial Training Centre, the Bulgarian National Institute of Justice, Renaissance Capital (Croatia) and the European Investment Bank. The Association also welcomed some 100 new individual members, bringing new blood into the association to replace those who have retired or moved on.


The 15th biannual General Meeting of the Association took place in Trier on 15 September 2023, at which the mandates of the elected members of the Executive Board – Jettie Van Caenegem (chair), Wolfgang Heusel, Vanessa Knapp OBE and Julia Laffranque – were renewed for another term.

Networking is a key feature of the Association’s activities and happens mostly at the activities of its national Chapters. In 2023, these included both online and face-to-face activities in Germany, Luxembourg, Portugal and the UK.

In addition to the national Chapter events, on 22 November 2023 the Association launched the Young Friends of ERA Network. 35 young legal professionals with a connection to ERA as a former participant, scholar or intern have joined this new initiative.


The main focus of the Association’s support is the ERA Scholarship Programme, to which it contributed €32,279 in 2023. More details can be read in the separate report.

In addition, the Association made a significant contribution of €15,000 to the costs of a study visit for the directors of the judicial training institutions and the presidents of the bar associations from the six Western Balkan states to ERA in May. This visit established new connections and strengthened existing ones between ERA and the legal professions in this strategically important region of Europe.

The Friends also sponsored the prizes, worth a total of €3000, for the two best teams of the Young European Lawyers Contest, which is organised annually by ERA and its partner Bars from around Europe. The winners were announced following the final at the General Court of the EU in Luxembourg in October.

Total number of members

Individual members

No Data Found

Institutional members

No Data Found