In 2023, ERA created four new basic e-learning courses on company law, anti-money laundering, European civil procedure and tax law, which are now available for free on the ERA website.
With co-funding from the EU, ERA also produced a new e-learning course combining language and legal training on criminal law for court staff, a new e-tool in three language versions and two new courses on the European Public Prosecutor’s Office, as well as seven new e-learning modules on combating trafficking in human beings. On environmental law, it produced a total of nine new courses in eight different language versions, which are publicly available on the websites of both ERA and DG Environment. It also produced a new Italian-language version of its course on gender equality.
In addition to the distance-learning resources available on its own website, ERA also regularly develops tailor-made e-learning solutions for the EU institutions and other clients. ERA continued to complete a service contract with the European Parliament on developing bilingual e-learning modules designed for lawyer-linguists. In 2023, two course were created. The first, entitled “Essentials of Cryptocurrency Technologies” was designed in English and Portuguese, and aimed to provide participants with an understanding of how cryptocurrency works, how transactions can be analysed and the special investigative techniques that can be applied. The other e-learning course entitled “Energy Policy and Climate Change” was created in English and Italian. The course provides an overview and introduction to the legal framework for the energy transition within the framework of the European Green Deal in the European Union and enables an in-depth understanding of the fundamentals in the main regulatory pillars of the European Green Deal, the regulation regarding climate governance in the EU, the recent developments in case law regarding EU environmental and climate law, as well as an overview of the recent developments on energy transition in Europe, including on cutting-edge energy technologies such as hydrogen.
In addition to the distance-learning resources available on its own website, ERA also regularly develops tailor-made e-learning solutions for the EU institutions and other clients. ERA continued to complete a service contract with the European Parliament on developing bilingual e-learning modules designed for lawyer-linguists. In 2023, two course were created. The first, entitled “Essentials of Cryptocurrency Technologies” was designed in English and Portuguese, and aimed to provide participants with an understanding of how cryptocurrency works, how transactions can be analysed and the special investigative techniques that can be applied. The other e-learning course entitled “Energy Policy and Climate Change” was created in English and Italian. The course provides an overview and introduction to the legal framework for the energy transition within the framework of the European Green Deal in the European Union and enables an in-depth understanding of the fundamentals in the main regulatory pillars of the European Green Deal, the regulation regarding climate governance in the EU, the recent developments in case law regarding EU environmental and climate law, as well as an overview of the recent developments on energy transition in Europe, including on cutting-edge energy technologies such as hydrogen.
In 2023 ERA started to implement a training project for court staff and bailiffs. For this project, an interactive and stand-alone e-tool for legal English in criminal law matters was created for court staff and bailiffs with the aim of improving their level of English in this field of law. The e-tool can be used during the preparation phase of the planned seminars (blended learning) or as a self-learning tool.
In the framework contracts with the European Commission’s DG Environment, ERA has created a series of training materials aimed at the judiciary since 2013. The comprehensive, standard-setting training materials promote interrogative and participatory learning methods and are easily reusable. The entire training packages are accessible online by any party or institution interested in organising future training in these areas of law. In 2023, ERA developed three new sets of training modules: following the material initiated in 2022, two tailor-made training modules on “EU Waste Law and Combating Waste Crime” were developed for Romania and for Greece in the respective languages. On “Access to Justice in Environmental Matters”, a Polish version was created incorporating Polish national provisions. The third package covers “EU Legislation on Wildlife Trafficking, Deforestation and Illegal Logging and Combating Associated Crime”; the general training module in English was created and will be followed by further tailor-made versions due to be developed in 2024.
ERA implemented the project “Development and Organisation of Training for Justice Professionals Regarding Investment Protection within the EU” under the auspices of a service contract with the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Markets Union. The project aimed to develop and organise an online training module and related material for judges and other professionals working in the justice system on cross-border investment protection among EU Member States. Within the framework of this project, an e-learning course was developed, and two pilot events took place: a train-the-trainers seminar and an end-users’ workshop. The deliverables of this project, which include the aforementioned e-learning as well as the trainers’ and users’ packages, are freely available to the public on the project website.