
Governing Board (2023)



former President of the European Commission, former Prime Minister
Representing Luxembourg



President of the Parliament of the State of Rhineland-Palatinate Representing Rhineland-Palatinate


For the European Parliament:

Katarina Barley

Vice-President of the European Parliament

For the Court of Justice of the European Union:

Koen Lenaerts

President of the Court

For Albania:

Ulsi Manja

Minister of Justice

For Austria:

Albert Posch

Head of the Constitutional Service at the Federal Chancellery, Sektionsleiter


Christine Pesendorfer

Head of Section V/7 – European and International Law,

Human Rights Protection, Federal Chancellery

For Belgium:

Paul Van Tigchelt

Minister of Justice

For Bulgaria:

Atanas Slavov

Minister of Justice

For Croatia:

Ivan Malenica

Minister of Justice and Public Administration

For Cyprus:

George Savvides

Attorney General of the Republic of Cyprus

For the Czech Republic:

Pavel Blažek

Minister of Justice

For Denmark:

Merethe Eckhardt

Director of Development, The Danish Court Administration

For Estonia:

Kalle Laanet

Minister of Justice

For Finland:

Riku Jaakkola

Director General of the National Courts Administration

For France:

Anthony Manwaring

Head of the European and International Department, Ministry of Justice

For Germany:

Marco Buschmann

Federal Minister of Justice

For the German Länder:

Benjamin Limbach

Minister of Justice, North Rhine Westphalia

For Greece:

Ioannis Bougas

Deputy Minister of Justice

For Hungary:

Ágnes Váradi

State Secretary, Ministry of Justice

For Ireland:

June Reardon

Office of the Attorney General

For Italy:

Massimo Condinanzi

Professor at the University of Milan

For Latvia:

Dace Kazāka

Director of Development Department at the Court Administration of the Republic of Latvia

For Lithuania:

Augustas Rucinskas

Chancellor of the Ministry of Justice

For Malta:

Jonathan Attard

Minister for Justice

For the Netherlands:

Margreet Blaisse

Rector of the Training and Study Centre for the Judiciary (SSR)

For Poland:

Sebastian Kaleta

Secretary of State, Ministry of Justice

For Portugal:

Fernando Ventura

Director of the Centre for Judicial Studies (CEJ)

For Romania:

Alina-Ștefania Gorghiu

Minister for Justice, Ministry of Justice

For Scotland:

Dorothy R Bain KC

The Lord Advocate

For Slovakia:


Ministry of Justice

For Slovenia:

Blanka Javorac Završek

Director of the Judicial Training Centre

For Spain:

María Abigail Fernández González

Director of the Centre for Legal Studies at the Ministry of Justice

For Sweden:

Anna-Carin Svensson

Director General for International Affairs

Ministry of Justice

For the City of Trier:

Wolfram Leibe

Mayor of Trier

For the United Kingdom:


For the Association for the Promotion of the Academy:

Jettie Van Caenegem

Inhouse Counsel, President of the Friends of ERA Association


Wolfgang Heusel 

former Director of the Academy of European Law Trier

Executive Board (2023)



Chair of the European Parliament Committee on Education and Culture



Minister of Justice, Rhineland-Palatinate


Chair of the European Parliament Legal Affairs Committee

Board of Trustees (2023)




President of the General Court of the European Union, Luxembourg

Deputy Chairs


Partner at Pérez-Llorca, Madrid


Professor at the University of Zagreb


Vincent Asselineau

Chairman of the European Criminal Bar Association (ECBA), Paris


David Barniville

President of the High Court, Dublin


Christopher Buttigieg

Chief Officer, Supervision, Malta Financial Services Authority, Birkirkara


Jaceck Chlebny

President of the Polish Supreme Administrative Court, Warsaw


Vassilis Christianos

Of Counsel at Christianos & Partners, Athens

Pierre-Henri Conac

Professor at the University of Luxembourg


Simone Cuomo

Secretary-General of the Council of Bars and Law Societies of Europe (CCBE), Brussels


Catherine De Bolle

Director of Europol, The Hague


Ingrid Derveaux

Secretary-General of the European Judicial Training Network (EJTN), Brussels


Filippo Donati

former President of the European Network of Councils for the Judiciary (ENCJ), Brussels


Freddy Drexler

Director General of the Legal Service of the European Parliament, Luxembourg


Zuzana Fišerová

Director General, International and EU cooperation at the Ministry of Justice, Prague


Anna Gardella

Senior Legal Expert at the European Banking Authority (EBA), Paris


Adrian Glaesner

Senior Legal Counsel, Head of Capital Market Law and Financing at Group Legal, Allianz SE, Munich


Cristina González Beilfuss

Professor at the University of Barcelona


Alejandra González Fernández

Member of the Boards of Appeal, European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO), Alicante


Nina Gregori

Executive Director of the European Union Agency for Asylum (EUAA), Valetta


Alice Guimaraes-Purokoski

Judge of the Finnish Supreme Court, Helsinki


Ladislav Hamran

President of Eurojust, The Hague


Sally-Anne Hinfey

Vice President, Momentive Europe UC, Dublin


Philippe Hoss

Partner at Elvinger Hoss Prussen, Luxembourg


Stephan Jaggi

Director of the German Judicial Academy, Trier/Wustrau


Iris Kieft

Associate Partner at NautaDutilh, Rotterdam


Andrej Kmecl

Judge at the Supreme Court of Slovenia, Ljubljana


Vanessa Knapp OBE

Visiting Professor Queen Mary University of London


Laura Codruța Kövesi

European Chief Prosecutor, Luxembourg


Irēna Kucina

Vice-President of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Latvia, Riga


Julia Laffranque

Judge at the Supreme Court of Estonia, Tartu


Marie Lamensch

Professor at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel


Łukasz Lasek

Partner at Wardyński & Partners, Warsaw


Alexander Layton

Barrister (King's Counsel), Twenty Essex, London


Bettina Limperg

President of the Network of the Presidents of the Supreme Judicial Courts of the European Union, Paris


Constantinos Lycourgos

Judge at the Court of Justice of the European Union, Luxembourg


Aude Mahy

Partner at DALDEWOLF, Brussels


Sabine Matejka

Vice President of the European Association of Judges (EAJ), Vienna


Gabriella Muscolo

Partner at Franzosi Dal Negro Setti, Milan


Kristina Nordlander

Partner at Allen & Overy LLP, London


Rimvydas Norkus

Judge at the General Court of the European Union, Luxembourg


Jan Passer

Judge at the Court of Justice of the European Union, Luxembourg


Luís Pereira

Deputy Attorney General at the Court of Appeal, Lisbon


Dóra Petrányi

Partner, CEE Managing Director, CMS, Budapest


Vania Petrella

Partner at Cleary Gottlieb, Rome


Vânia Costa Ramos

Partner at Carlos Pinto de Abreu e Associados, Lisbon


Christine Roger

Director General for Justice and Home Affairs in the General Secretariat of the Council of the European Union, Brussels


Jacob Sand

Partner at Gorrissen Federspiel, Copenhagen


Marc Schmitz

President of the European Union of Judicial Officers, Brussels


Daniel Schönberger

General Counsel & Chief Legal Officer, Web3 Foundation, Zug


Petra Senkovic

Director General Secretariat and Secretary to European Central Bank decision-making bodies, Frankfurt am Main


Nathalie Smuha

Assistant Professor at KU Leuven


Octavia Spineanu-Matei

Judge at the Court of Justice of the European Union, Luxembourg


Taru Spronken

Advocate General at the Supreme Court of the Netherlands, The Hague


Maciej Szpunar

First Advocate General of the Court of Justice of the European Union, Luxembourg


Herwig Verschueren

Professor at the University of Antwerp


Sophie Vuarlot Dignac

Head of Legal and Enforcement Department at the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA), Paris


Christiane Wendehorst

Scientific Director of the European Law Institute (ELI), Vienna


Michael Jürgen Werner

Partner at Norton Rose Fulbright LLP, Brussels


Dragomir Yordanov

Executive Director of the European School of Enforcement, Sofia


Edith Zeller

former President of the Association of European Administrative Judges, Vienna

Honorary Members

Francesco De Angelis

Hon. Director General of the European Commission, Brussels


David A. O. Edward
former judge of the Court of Justice of the European Union, Edinburgh


Charles Elsen

former Director General for Justice and Home Affairs in the General Secretariat of the Council of the European Union, Luxembourg


Gregorio Garzón Clariana

former Director General of the Legal Service of the European Parliament, Barcelona


Hans-Jürgen Hellwig

former President of the CCBE, Frankfurt am Main


Wolfgang Heusel

former Director of ERA


Pauliine Koskelo

Judge at the European Court of Human Rights, Strasbourg


Peter-Christian Müller-Graff

Senior Professor, Honorary Jean Monnet Professor, University of Heidelberg


Diana Wallis

former Vice-President of the European Parliament, Hull


Heinz Weil

former President of the Council of Bars and Law Societies of Europe (CCBE), Paris