The challenge for ERA over the years has been to maintain diversity and breadth in its conference programme despite the ever-increasing number of areas in which EU law applies and the growing “Europeanisation” of domestic law. Updating, deepening and adjusting the programme to match the growing training needs and expectations of legal practitioners has been a key element of our strategy, both during and after the pandemic. Evidence of these programme developments can be seen in the consistent range of annual conferences, where the main aim is to cover the latest developments in a specific area of EU law, update legal practitioners on recent legislation and case law, and introduce policy debates that will shape the future landscape of the legal field.
In 2023, this successful formula covered topics ranging from artificial intelligence and fundamental rights to company law and corporate governance, competition law, consumer law, copyright law, data protection law, direct taxation, disability law, environmental law, insurance law, financial regulation and supervision, immigration law, media law, patent law, succession law, sustainable finance, trade and investment law, trade mark and design law, and VAT law.